Diabetes on the Rise Increasing Risk for Foot Ulcers
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In honor of American Diabetes Month, Antelope Valley Medical Center wants to remind people with diabetes that they are at a higher risk for non-healing foot wounds – and therefore amputations – than most Americans.
“For most people a blister or cut on the foot is a small inconvenience that a bandage and time will heal,” said Dr. Neil Dalal, director of the Comprehensive Wound Healing Center at Antelope Valley Medical Center. “But a person with diabetes has impaired immunity and often reduced blood flow to the legs and feet. Both can hamper healing, cause infections, and cause damage to underlying structures and bones. In some cases the damage can lead to a toe, foot or leg amputation.”
According to the American Diabetes Association, one adult is diagnosed with diabetes in the United States every 19 seconds. That’s 1.7 million more people each year at risk for non-healing wounds and other complications.
“It is vital that patients with diabetes check their feet daily and get follow-up with their physician regularly,” said Dr. Dalal.
The Comprehensive Wound Healing Center at Antelope Valley Medical Center offers a highly trained, multidisciplinary team that combines evidence-based best practices and advanced therapies with individualized treatment plans for faster healing. For more information, call 661-949-5522 or visit AVMC.org/Services/WoundHealingCenter.