Fueron como caídos del cielo…
- Author: Erika & Rafael
- Location: Lancaster, CA
- Date Submitted: Oct 2, 2023

“"Fueron como caídos del cielo… la respuesta a todas nuestras oraciones, todos ustedes fueron la respuesta [It was as if you all fell from heaven… an answer to our prayers, all of you guys were the answer]."”
After seven years since the arrival of their last child, Erika and her husband (Rafael) were nervous to welcome their new baby girl, Antonella, into the world. Facing her fourth c-section, they knew it was a risky procedure, but after the heartache of a miscarriage within the last year, their nerves were different. “Nos marcó mucho, nos cambió muchas cosas [it marked us a lot and changed lots of things],” says her husband “pero las oraciones trabajan [But prayer works].” Shortly after her miscarriage, the unexpected news of another pregnancy arrived.
Even with the news of a new baby, they still feared the unexpected. The arrival of their baby Antonella stirred both excitement and anxiety, “teníamos tanto miedo de venir, de que iba a pasar, cómo va a salir todo [We were so afraid to come, of what was going to happen, how everything was going to turn out].” Erika says. As the preparations to welcome Antonella unfolded, they felt their nerves subside with the kindness and attentiveness they experienced, “me sentía muy cómoda, todos muy amables, siempre estaban ahí [I felt very comfortable, everyone was so kind, and always attentive],” she elaborates.
Though Erika has given birth to her previous children at Antelope Valley Medical Center’s Women and Infants Pavilion (WIP), this birthing experience was beyond their expectations. “Nos han atendido bien, pero de tanto temor que hemos tenido, ahora nos hemos sentido tan seguros de estar aquí [We have been treated well, but because of all the fears we have felt so safe to be here],” says Erika. “Veniamos asustados de los que no paso el año pasado… todos fueron la respuesta a nuestras oraciones [we came scared from what happened last year, they were the answer to our prayers],” her husband adds.
Filled with anticipation, Erika and Rafael were in the operating room ready to meet Antonella. Despite having gone through the process many times before, they were still on edge, but Gabriella changed that, “se nos acercó (Gabriela) y nos dio un toque especial de confort, de fe, de tranquilidad. Ella venia y nos decía lo que estaba pasando, ya casi llega la bebé [She approached us and gave us a very comforting touch, of faith and peacefulness. She would come and tell us what was happening, the baby is almost here],” says Rafael. With the care and attentiveness from our staff, Erika safely delivered a healthy baby girl. “Todos tuvieron un toque muy especial… nos traía paz [everyone had a special touch that would bring us peace],” her husband says. Erika and her husband emphasized how thankful they felt, “(We) have truly been blessed with all of you,” she says. “Se notó que hay amor por lo que hacen... que les gusta su profesión y por eso lo hacen con mucho cariño [You can tell that they love what they do and it shows in how much care they put into it],” she added.