In Great Hands
- Author: Dary H.
- Date Submitted: Mar 11, 2021

“I’m a nurse and I work at the AV Cancer Center. I started experiencing a terrible headache, as well as, the hallmark signs associated with a stroke.”
I’m a nurse and I work at the AV Cancer Center. I started experiencing a terrible headache, as well as, the hallmark signs associated with a stroke. My colleagues helped me out by assessing me and calling the paramedics. Luckily, they were able to bring me to AVMC within 15 minutes after I had been assessed. I was diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm for which I underwent a coiling procedure. Dr. Salahuddin was my physician and mentioned that I was the third patient to undergo this new procedure at AVMC. Everyone from the stroke team was wonderful, Colleen and Dr. Salahuddin were constantly checking on me to make sure I was doing well. After the procedure, I was told that I would have no restriction or deficits, and I would be able to go home and resume normal activity within moderation. Everyone who took care of me were caring and compassionate, there was never a doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t be okay. I felt safe and at peace, I had no fear and I knew I was in great hands and in the best place I could be. Dr. Salahuddin and his team were in control of everything and they had my full trust.