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Outpatient Surgery Center

For surgeries and procedures that do not require an overnight hospital stay, patients find convenience and comfort in our state-of-the-art Outpatient Surgery Center. Our highly skilled staff will provide you with information covering preparation and what to expect during your procedure. We take every measure possible to help ensure that your surgery will be a successful and positive experience.

What to Bring

  • Insurance card and picture ID
  • List of daily medications
  • List of past surgeries and allergies
  • Any paperwork your doctor may have given you to bring
  • If it is your child who will be undergoing surgery, bring a favorite comforting toy or blanket

Before your Surgery

Arrange for someone to drive you home from the surgery center. We cannot proceed with the surgery if you do not have a ride home. Make sure that a responsible adult stays with you for the remainder of the day and through the night following your surgery. If you have small children, please make sure you have arranged for childcare so that you can rest when you get home.

The night before surgery, make sure to get plenty of rest the night before you are scheduled to arrive. If you do not have any particular restrictions on your diet, we suggest eating well-balanced, healthy meals as well as avoiding alcohol and smoking the day prior to your procedure. Do not eat any food, drink any liquids, or smoke after midnight. This includes water, chewing gum, and hard candy. Do not swallow any water used to clean your teeth. If you routinely take medications, check with your surgeon to see if you should take them the night before your surgery.

The Morning of your Surgery

  • Shower or bathe to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Do not wear any make-up or lotions.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing to the surgery center.
  • Wear flat, slip-on shoes.
  • Refrain from wearing jewelry and contact lenses (bring eyeglasses instead.) Please leave all valuables at home.

If you have any questions prior to your outpatient surgery, please contact 661-940-6060.

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